Soccer Tactics
In soccer, the term “Tactics” refers to the coordinated movement of two or more players within the same unit, two units, or the entire team, with a shared and predetermined purpose.
When talking about soccer tactics, it’s important to keep in mind that the shared goal of all players is to score one more goal than the opponents and win the game. The tactics in soccer are manifested in two moments, each of which has a specific purpose: when the team has possession of the ball and when the team doesn’t have possession of the ball.
Soccer Tactics
Managing numerical inferiority during 2 v 2
Defending Principles - Defensive individual tactics drill for 2 v 2 with shot at goal -
Soccer Tactics
1 v 1 with 2 flank players
1v1 - 1 v 1 situation with two external lateral flank players with the objective to lose the marker and shoot at goal -
Soccer Tactics
Goal choice - 1 v 1
1v1 - 1 v 1 situation finishing in four goals to train tricks and individual defensive phase -
Soccer Tactics
Simplified game with three teams: 5 vs 5 and 5 neutral players
Possession - Simplified game 5 vs 5 for ball possession and finishing in numerical superiority -
Soccer Tactics
2 vs 1: Pass, losing your marker and positioning
2v1 - Useful drill to train passes, losing your marker and positioning for young soccer players. -
Soccer Tactics
6 v 6 getting away from markers in width, to cross and to shoot for the goal
Width - Small-sided Game 6 versus 6 with insertions (without the ball) to shoot for the goal and to attack the goal by crossing the ball -
Soccer Tactics
Double rectangle: Exit build-up zone for a 1 vs 1 inside finishing zone
1v1 Defending - Drill to train the tactical movement of building from the back followed by 1 vs 1 situation inside finishing zone -
Soccer Tactics
1 vs 1 shooting at two goals
1v1 - 1 vs 1 duel with changes of direction and the choice to finish in one of two goals -
Soccer Tactics
Specific tactical situation for direct play
Playing out from the back - Situational drill to train build-up from the goalkeeper -
Soccer Tactics
Themed game: 3 v 3 with end zones
Running with the ball - Youth Academy game 3 v 3 with the objective of driving the ball to the end zone