Technical warm-up - Peripheral vision, passing and running with the ball

- 12 markers
- 2 cones
- Balls
- Playing Area: 20x15 meters / 22x16 yards
- Players: 16
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Series: 2 of 4 minutes each with 2 minutes of recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Improve players' technique by also stimulating peripheral vision |
Receiving, Running with the ball, Ball control, Awareness, Peripheral vision, Inside of the foot, First touch, Dribbling, Ball control, Pass, Warm up |
Place two lines of markers at a distance of 10 meters/11 yards where players go to place themselves forming pairs. Players on the markers have a ball per pair (white). Six players with the ball position themselves on the cone to the left in the picture (red).
- At the coach's signal, red players set off driving the ball in the direction of the cone in front of them
- White players must make passes between them while avoiding their ball hitting the red players in transit
- Red players must always keep the same distances between them by taking care of the timing of the start
- Upon reaching the cone, red players go around the top row of white players to their left and return to the starting cone
- Perform the exercise by constraining the foot with which to drive the ball
- Perform the exercise by constraining the foot with which the players perform the pass
- The red players must go around the white line to their right
- Urge players to keep a high pace when driving the ball
- Take care of the distances and timing of red players' starts
- Teach players how to drive the ball at speed, bringing the ball forward with the instep
- This drill can be performed by different age groups by changing the distances of the marker lines; greater distance means greater difficulty