Competition of shots on goal

- 6 vests
- 8 balls
- 4 cones
- Markers
- 2 goals
- Playing Area: 30x30 meters / 33x33 yards
- Players: at least 12 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 16 minutes
- Series: 2 of 8 minutes each with 2 minutes of passive recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Team challenge on shots on goal with different types of stops and ball control |
Running with the ball, Ball control, Coordination, Basic motor skills, Saves technique, Eye-breech coordination, Cushioning, Dribbling, Ball control, Shooting |
Create two equal technical courses, one apart from the other at a distance of about 15-20 meters/16-22 yards from each other. Both courses will be made up as follows: a gate of a size suitable for the group we are training placed on the end line of the field or side throw-in. At a distance of 15 meters/16 yards from the goal form a central gate with two cones 6 meters/6.5 yards wide. After the cones, about 5 meters/yards away, create a mini square 4 meters/yards on each side. Finally, 5 meters/yards from the square place a starting marker where the players will line up. Divide the players into two teams (red v white team in the picture) of seven members each (one goalkeeper + six players). Each team positions its six players on the starting marker of the respective course, the goalkeeper defends the goal on the opponent's course.
- At the coach's start signal, the first player in each row starts off running with the ball, arriving in the mini-square in front of them, they lift the ball with a high trajectory and performs a stop (ball control) inside the square without the ball leaving the perimeter
- Controlled the ball, the player sprints with it toward the gate of cones in front of them and before crossing the line between the two cones they must shoot at the goal
- Then the player runs to retrieve it and bring it back to the teammates positioned in line
- The second player in each row starts when the previous teammate has kicked. This is carried on continuously for the duration of the series (10 minutes) counting the goals scored
- At the end of the series, the starting positions of the two groups are reversed
- Players may not kick at goal beyond the horizontal line drawn with cones (gates)
- Players must quickly retrieve the ball after shooting, and return it to their teammates who are waiting in line (goalkeepers must not pass the ball to those who shot)
- Perform the stop (ball control) within the mini square in a way predetermined at the start by the coach: inside foot, outside foot, sole of the foot, etc.
- If players kick after the horizontal line placed 15 meters/16 yards from the goal marked with cones or perform a stop with the ball coming out of the mini square, any goal will not be counted
- Have players kick with both right and left foot (train strong and weak foot)
- The team with the most goals at the end of the two sets wins
- Place a teammate to the side of the mini square. The one who starts in the execution of the course passes the ball to the teammate and runs inside the mini square. Teammate placed to the side, with ball in hand, serves the ball with high parabola. The player inside the mini square stops the ball and then sprints to go for the shot on goal. So ball control is no longer by self-throwing the ball, but on a throw by a teammate. The one who kicks at the goal stops on the side of the mini square, while the one who threw the ball for the teammate's stop retrieves the ball and quickly runs to the back of the group
- Take care of stopping technique on high parabola pass
- Take care of shooting technique