Coerver Coaching: The drag push

- 9 markers
- Balls
- Vests
- Playing Area: 40x60 meters / 44x65 yd
- Players: 16
- Duration: 24 minutes
- Series: 4 of 4 minutes each with 2 minutes of active recovery inbetween series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Coerver Coaching technical gesture of drag push, used to quickly and unpredictably lose your marker |
Compactness, Passing, Coordination, Coordination skills, Feints and tricks, Short pass, Defensive shape |
Form a playing area of 20x30 meters and divide it into four equal areas. In each area place four players: two forwards with the ball and two defenders (red) that put a light pressure on the ball.
The Drag Push Feint
- While looking at the opponent, drag the ball on one side using the inside of the foot
- Then use the outside of the same foot to move it quickly to the opposite side
- Move the ball beyond the opponent and accelerate
- Players with the ball perform ball possession moving inside their area
- Players without the ball move inside the whole playing area and put a light pressure on the players with the ball
- To the coach's signal players with the ball pass it to a defender (in the picture, A passes to B)
- Repeat the sequence
- Defenders can perform an active defense trying to recover the ball
- Keep one ball per area to simulate a ball possession between forwards, making a different player perform the feint each time
- To each signal, players have to swap area in a clockwise motion. The drill ends once the loop ends
Coaching Points
- Players should keep their head high
- Players move inside the space and play in depth
- Pay attention to quickness, precision and balance