Thematic match: compact team movements during offensive and defensive phases

- 7 vests
- 2 goals
- Markers
- Balls
- Playing Area: 35x40 meters / 38x44 yards
- Players: 14 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Series: 2 of 14 minutes each with 2 minutes of recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
8 v 8 thematic game with the constraint of keeping teams compact |
Transition, Mark, Pressing, Passing, Receiving, Shooting, Tackling, Aerobic capacity, Balance, Aerobic capacity, First touch, Pass, Finishing, Marking, Tackling, Movement, Contraction and expansion of defensive line, Compactness, Once the ball is lost - Attack the ball, Pressing, Transitions |
Using markers, create a playing field of about 35x40 meters/37x44 yards. Along the two short sides of the field, in the middle, place two regulatory goals. Divide the field into two equally sized halves by placing markers in the middle that mark the dividing line at midfield. Divide the players into two teams of eight players each (7 + goalkeeper). An 8 v 8 game is played (red team against white team in the picture). Keep a good supply of balls behind the goals.
- Two teams face each other in a game
- The goal is valid if the scoring team has taken all of its players (except the goalkeeper) over the halfway line; if this does not happen the goal will not be valid
- If either team scores a goal and one or more players of the opposing team that conceded the goal have remained in the opposite half of the field without returning to their defensive half of the field, the goal is worth double (example in the picture)
- Players have free touches available for the play
- The offside rule beyond the halfway line applies
- Players have a limited number of touches available for the play (e.g., a maximum of three)
- Increase or decrease the size of the playing field
- Force teams to stay compact and raise the defensive line in the opponent's half of the field to accustom players to always accompany the attacking maneuver
- Keeping the team compact accustoms players to immediately bring pressure on opponents to regain the ball in case of loss of possession of the ball
- Work on the transition phase
- By keeping the team short the interaction between players are very strong, both in the ball possession phase and in the non-possession phase