Small-Sided Game with 4 goals - Arsenal FC

- Markers
- 10 vests (5 red, 5 white)
- 4 small goals
- Balls
- Playing area: 40x35 meters
- Players: 10 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 2 series of 8 minutes with 2 minutes of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Exercise with more aims for the teams playing |
Creating space, Mark, Passing, Shooting, Body shape, Intercepting, Losing your marker, Finishing, Marking, Goal defense, Ball possession |
Form a 40x35 meters playing area using the markers. Place 2 goals on the short sides of the field about 10 meters spaced. Arrange 2 teams of 5 players (5 whites, 5 reds) with 2 goalkeepers defending the goals.
- Play a classical match with the aim of score inside one of the 2 opponents goal
- The goalkeepers (A and B) have to defend 2 goals trying to protect the goal at risk
- 3 ball touches allowed for all players
- The most goals scored wins
- The team that score with each player first, wins
- The goal is valid only shooting on first intention
- Unlimited ball touches allowed
- Change player as goalkeeper every two minutes
Coaching Points
- Encourage players to circulate the ball maintaining possession
- Play with high rythm