Ball possession ''positional'' 6 vs 6

- Markers
- 6 vests
- Balls
- Playing area: 15x20 meters
- Players: 12
- Duration: 16 minutes
- Series: 2 series of 7 minutes with 1 minute of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Ball possession 6 vs 6 with each player occupying an outlined space |
Creating space, Passing, Receiving, Intercepting, Losing your marker, Pass, Intercepting, Ball possession |
Form a 20x15 playing area using the markers. Create 12 squares 5x5 meters sized. Arrange a player inside each square (6 red and 6 white) as chown in the figure. One player starts with the ball.
- On coach starting signal play 6 vs 6
- The aim of both teams is to maintain ball possession performing 10 consecutive passes to get 1 point
- If the ball goes out, the game starts again with ball to the opponents
- The most points wins
- Every player can move only inside the little square
- Every player have 4 seconds at most before passing the ball
- 1 point for 10 consecutive passes
- Reduce the number of ball touches allowed (maximum 2)
- Force to pass the ball always to a different teammate
Coaching Points
- Encourage players to keep on moving inside the square facilitating the ball carrier
- Try always to create free pass lines moving inside the square to receive the ball
- Develop the ball possession at high rythm anticipating the opponents
- Verbal communication is essential
- Focus on the first ball control of players receiving