Ball possession with movement to lose the marker - BVB Borussia Dortmund

- 4 markers
- 5 cones
- Balls
- 4 vests
- Playing area: 20x20 meters
- Players: 8
- Duration: 16 minutes
- Series: 4 series of 3 minutes with 1 minute of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Exercise to train pass and the movement to lose the marker through a guided ball possession |
Passing, Receiving, Losing your marker, Pass |
Create a 16x16 meters area using the markers. Divide the square into 4 zones using the cones identifying them with letters (A, B, C and D). Split players into 2 teams using vests. Two players for each team move inside the square. Place 2 players for each team to the opposite sides of the square (as shown in the picture).
- The exercise starts with the ball to one of the outer players
- Players inside the square move in order to receive the ball on the opposite side of their teammate. In zone A-D or B-C
- Once received the ball, the inside player passes to the opposite teammate
- After the inner transmission, the player passes to the outer teammate who is on the opposite side of the starting point of the ball
- Players inside keep on moving to occupy the opposite zones of the ball possessing ready to receive the ball and play
- Limit the number of ball touches allowed to 3
- Outer players swap positions with inner ones at the end of each series
- Yellow player passes the ball to the teammate who has come to receive from zone B, while the inner player moves towards C to be able to receive the successive pass
- Player from zone B, once received the ball, passes to the yellow teammate iside C
- The yellow player inside C passes on first intention to the yellow teammate outside the square
- The yellow player passes to the white player outside the square
- The white player after controlling the ball passes to teammate inside A zone, while the other white teammate runs to zone D to receive the subsequent pass
- The white player inside C after receiving passes to the white teammate inside zone D
- The white player passes to the white teammate outside the square
- The white player passes to the yellow teammate outside the square
After controlling the ball, the yellow player starts again the exercise maintaining continuity
- The opponent players can defend actively trying to anticipate, and if they regain the ball pass it to the closest outer player to restart ball possession
- Players play 2 vs 2 inside the square getting one point for every cross field pass (when each of the 4 players touched the ball
- Players must focus on the position of the teammate, moving along the opposite side
- Encourage players to maintain a high rhythm during the whole exercise