Ball possession 2 vs 2 + 4 neutral players: scoring at the small goal

- Sufficient markers to outline the field
- 4 small goal or 8 cones
- 4 vests (2 red 2 green)
- Sufficient balls to ensure continuity
- Playing area: 25x18 meters
- Players: 8
- Duration: 12 minutes
- Series: 3 series of 2 minutes and 30 seconds with 1 minute and 30 seconds of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Simplified game 2 vs 2 + 4 neutral players to train ball possession |
Creating space, Transition, Mark, 2v2, Passing, Shooting, Receiving to turn, Intercepting, Tackling, Oriented control, Losing your marker, Pass, Finishing, Marking, Intercepting, Tackling, 2 versus 2, Ball possession, Transitions |
Form a 25x18 meters field using the markers. Place 2 small goals 2 meters wide on both short sides (as shown in the figure). Arrange 2 red players vs 2 green players inside the field. On each field side place a neutral player (white in the figure). Form an equal field to involve the whole team.
- On coach starting signal the team with the ball starts playing against the other team to maintain possession. 2 vs 2 situation.
- The aim of the team with the ball is to maintain possession as long as possible trying to score into one small goal
- The team possessing the ball can make use of the neutral player to score
- The 4 neutral players can't enter the field
- Replace the neutral players after each series
- The 4 neutral players can't enter the field
- 2 ball touches allowed for neutral players
- If all players and 2 neutral players touch the ball the goal counts as double
- Minimum 5 consecutive passes before shooting at goal, always making use of neutral players
- Focus on the oriented control
- Encourage the possessing team to find the passing lines
- Focus on players movements during the defensive phase (starting positioning, tackle timing, reaction etc.)
- During the attacking phase, players have to move into the free spaces to clear passing lines
- Encourage players impetus
- Players have to choose the right timings for each action according to the situation
- Players have to implement the 2 vs 2 game principles, especially without ball possession
- Players have to use verbal communication to improve collaboration