2 v 2 with target

- Markers
- Balls
- 4 vests
- 8 cones
- 2 goals
- Playing Area: 35x40 meters / 38x44 yards
- Players: 8 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 16 minutes
- Series: 4 of 3 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery in between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
2 v 2 drill useful for training offensive and defensive phase situations |
Creating space, Mark, Press, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, 1v1 Defending, Body shape, Feints and tricks, Losing your marker, Finishing, Individual defensive tactical principles, Positioning, Marking, Goal defense, Pass and move, 2 versus 2, Cover, Once the ball is lost - Attack the ball, Pressure |
With an appropriate number of markers, create a playing field. Divide the field into two equal zones (as in the picture). Along both short sides of the playing field place, in the center, a regulatory goal. On either side of the goals create two mini goals with cones, measuring 1.5 meters/yards. Divide the available players into two groups of equal number (red versus white in the picture). Within the groups form pairs between teammates. One player in the pair starts to the left of the regulatory goal post and the other to the right. One ball to each pair. Two goalkeepers defend the two goals.
- The pair in the red jersey makes a throw into the opponent's half of the field toward one of the 2 players in the first white pair
- The receiving player runs with the ball in the direction of the median along with the teammate in the white jersey
- The red players set off on a sprint to face the pair in possession of the ball, creating a 2 v 2 situation with variable target
- In the vicinity of the median, the coach indicates to the players the target (mini goals or goalkeeper)
- The pair in possession of the ball, after entering the opponent's half of the field, is required to pass the ball to each other a minimum of two times before they can complete the action
- The action ends after the goal, or if the ball goes out or if it is recovered by the defending pair
- If the ball is recovered by the defending pair, all members (including the goalkeeper) must touch the ball at least once to end the action
- In each series reverse the team that kicks the first ball
- At the end of the series the team that scored the most goals wins
- Target Mini Goal: Score a goal in the mini goals on either side of the regulatory goal
- Target Goalkeeper: score a goal in the opponent's regulatory goal
- Play 3 v 3
- Decrease or increase the size of the field according to the age and skills of the team
Coaching Points
- The defensive pair should try to position themselves in the best possible way to close off passing lines and finish in the indicated goal
- Incite the player in possession of the ball to tackle their direct opponent with dribbling if the passing opportunity is closed
- Encourage players in the offensive phase to tackle 2 v 2 as quickly as possible
- During the defensive phase, take care of the principles of individual defensive tactics