2 against 1 in the rectangle - Arsenal FC

- Enough markers to delimit the zone
- 2 cones
- Balls
- 1 regulatory goal
- 12 vest (8 red, 4 blue)
- Playing area: 12x25 meters
- Players: 12 + goalkeeper
- Duration: 12 minutes
- Series: 2 series of 5 minutes with a 1 minute pause of recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
In this 2vs1 attacking players must move inside a limited space, facing a defender |
Creating space, Support, Passing, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, Body shape, Feints and tricks, Losing your marker, Pass, Shooting, Positioning, Goal defense, Improvisation, 2 versus 1 |
Using the markers make a 12x25 meters playing area, adjacent to the goal. Place 2 cones at about 12 meters from the goal line, dividing the rectangle in 2 areas (A and B, as shown in the picture). Divide players into two groups: 8 forwards (Red vest) and 4 defenders (Blue vest). Give a ball to each pair of forwards.
- In pairs, forwards start the game with the ball from the playing area A and must try to conclude the play on time
- The defender starts from zone A and performing an active defense they should try to prevent the goal of the opponent
- After recovering the ball, intercepting it, shooting to goal or if the ball goes out of the outline space, players go out of the playing area and let the successive turn start the exercise
- All players (Defenders and forwards) start the exercise from zone A
- Inside of zone A there is a free number of touches
- Inside of zone B the number of touches is limited to a maximum of 2
- Goal is valid from any position inside the playing area
- Inside zone B the number of touches is limited to a maximum of 1
- Reduce the time within which players must complete the action
Coaching Points
- Reduce the pauses during the exercise to boost the rhythm of the game
- Encourage attacking players to try to dribble defenders
- The placement of the defender: In diagonal with the ball, covering the goal and the possible passing lane