Flying 3 vs 2

- 2 cones
- Markers to outline the field
- 9 vests
- 2 goals
- Balls
- Playing area: 40x30 meters /44x33 yd
- Players: 18 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 21 minutes
- Series: 3 series of 5 minutes with 2 minutes of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Small-sided game to train power play: training transitions and playing speed |
Creating space, Support, Finishing in the final third, 3v2, Passing, Receiving, Shooting, Body shape, Reaction time, Coordination, Awareness, Anticipation, Vestibular information, Peripheral vision, Pass, First touch, Losing your marker, Finishing, Goal defense, Improvisation, 3 versus 2, Attack the goal, Transitions |
Form a 40x30 meters pitch with goals and goalkeepers on the short sides. Split players into 2 teams (white and red vests in the picture). Place 2 cones in the middle of the long sides to outline the halfway line. White team starts from one side, red team from the opposite one.
- To the coach's signal 3 white players enter the pitch with a ball, becoming strikers
- 2 red players enter the pitch as defenders
- If the attacking team scores a goal, the coach throws in another ball and strikers have to attack the opposite goal. Red defenders leave the pitch moving to their line and 2 new red players enter the pitch to defend the goal
- If strikers don't succeed in scoring a goal, they exit the field and the 2 defenders become strikers with another red player in addition who enters the field at maximum speed
- 2 new white players enter the pitch to defend the goal
- The exercise must be performed quickly without breaks while players enter or leave the field to train rapid transitions while staying focused
- If red players conquer the ball, they can score on the rival goal. Game keeps going until the ball exits the pitch or a goal is scored
- Force players to dribble an opponent before shooting
- Quick changes in direction and playing speed
- Proper use of short and long passes
- Transitions
- Quick decision making
- Proper positioning during attacking or defending phases
- Players must stay focused