7 v 4 thematic match with build-ups from the back for finishing on goal

- 2 goals
- Markers
- Balls
- 4 vests
- Playing Area: 30x30 meters / 33x33 yards
- Players: 11 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 24 minutes
- Series: 4 of 5 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Thematic match of defenders and midfielders against offensive players to build the play with finishing on goal and transitions |
Creating space, Transition, Playing out from the back, 3v2, Passing, Receiving, Dribbling, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, Intercepting, Tackling, Awareness, Peripheral vision, Pass, First touch, Dribbling, Feints and tricks, Losing your marker, Finishing, Intercepting, Tackling, Mobility, 3 versus 2, Direct play, Patient build up, Transitions |
With markers, form a 30x30-meter/33x33-yard playing field. On the two opposite sides, in the center, place two regulatory goals. In the middle of the field, with markers, create a central area of 20x10 meters/22x11 yards divided into four equal sectors as in the picture. A thematic game of seven players (white defenders and midfielders) versus four (red forwards) is played. The two goalkeepers (one per team) defend the goals.
- The white players line up on the field as follows: two central defenders close to their own goal (at the top in the picture); another one that can move in the first two mini sectors of the field of the central grid; two outside players to the side of the central zone divided into sectors (left back and right back); two half-forwards stationed in the second two mini sectors of the central grid, each in one sector. The red players (forwards), on the other hand, line up as follows: a forward behind the two opposing central defenders and the opponent's goal; two forwards in the first two mini sectors of the central zone, one in each sector; a final forward who can move into either of the two second mini sectors of the central zone
- White team's objective is, starting with an action from the goalkeeper and building from the back, to finish on the opposing goal by finding one of the two half-forwards positioned in the two mini sectors of the central zone (central grid)
- The objective of the forwards is to intercept the ball and restart in positive transition by attacking the two central defenders for finalization on goal
- The two white central defenders, when receiving the ball, play a 2 v 1 against the red forward. They can enter the central grid running with the ball
- The central midfielder can move into the first two sectors laterally while the two half-forwards, in order to receive, can move into the second two sectors, each in their own mini-area
- The two white outside players act only as flank players, if they receive the ball they have to replay it to a teammate
- When the white team passes to one of the two half-forwards, that player can quickly attack the opposite goal
- If the red players regain the ball, they can counter-attack in a 3 v 2 numerical superiority situation against the two white defenders for a shot on goal
- Whenever a game action ends with a shot on goal always restart with a new action from the back with the goalkeeper (white team)
- White team players (defenders and midfielders) who build up from the back have a maximum of three touches for the play
- The build-up of the play can only take place with the ball on the ground and not with high parabolic throws or passes. This is to force players to continually lose their marker by positioning themselves in the available space in order to receive the ball
- Players on the red team (forwards), when regaining the ball, have free touches available for the play
- After each series rotate the positions of the white team players by varying tasks and roles as well as the positions of the red team forwards
- Take care of ball transmission speed, intensity and kicking accuracy
- Take care of the continuous unmarking and mobility to exploit numerical superiority and create more passing lines for teammates in possession of the ball
- Pay attention to body positioning when receiving the ball
- Take care of teammate communication for both teams
- Encourage fast transition by attackers on ball recapture
- Take care of the individual phase in 1 v 1 duels during the build-up