6 v 6 match with central forbidden zone
![6 v 6 match with central forbidden zone](https://www.youcoach.com:7081/sites/default/files/partita_6_contro_6_con_zona_ombra_centrale_org_com.jpg)
- Markers
- Cones
- 2 goals
- 5 vests
- Balls
- Playing Area: 30x40 meters / 33x43 yds
- Players: 10 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 2 of 9 minutes each with 2 minutes of passive recovery inbetween
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
6 v 6 conditioned game for play developments and losing the marker creating width and depth |
Width, Depth, Mark, Passing, Receiving, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, Intercepting, Tackling, Awareness, Peripheral vision, Pass, First touch, Dribbling, Feints and tricks, Losing your marker, Finishing, Marking, Intercepting, Tackling, Creating width and depth, Mobility, Insertion |
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