Simplified game with three teams: 5 vs 5 and 5 neutral players

- Markers
- 2 goals
- 10 vests (5 per color)
- Balls
- Playing Area: 35x25 meters / 38x27 yd
- Players: 15 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 3 of 5 minutes each with 1 minute and a half of passive recovery inbetween series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Simplified game 5 vs 5 for ball possession and finishing in numerical superiority |
Creating space, Defending Principles, Mark, Pressing, Passing, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, Receiving to turn, Intercepting, Oriented control, Feints and tricks, Losing your marker, Pass, Finishing, Marking, Intercepting, Mobility, Ball possession, Numerical inferiority (defense), Pressing |
Create a field of 35x25 meters using markers. In the middle of both short sides place a goal (suitable for the age group). Divide players into three teams of five members. Place red and white team inside the plating area, while the green team goes outside the long sides of the pitch (as shown in the picture). Goalkeepers defend the goals. Keep some balls next to the goals.
- Simplified game 5 vs 5
- The team that has ball possession can use neutral players (green team) to go finishing quicker
- At the end of each series swap the green team with another one
- Players inside the field have free ball touches
- Neutral players can play only with the team with ball possession
- Neutral players have 2 ball touches max
- The team that at the end of the series scored the most wins
- Useful drill for players to learn how to lose a marker and positioning
- Encourage players with ball possession to get help from neutral players
- Encourage the team to play with high rythm to avoid that the opponents close passing lines
- During the drill it's important that players (both with and without ball possession) communicate