YouCoachApp Video Analysis: Set up, tags, default and custom boards
YouCoachApp Video Analysis: Set up, tags, default and custom boards |

Summary |
Video Analysis made simple, for every analyst and coach. Here's how to set up the software, consult default tags and boards, customize tags, and create custom boards |
In this article we find out how to set up the software, how to consult default tags and boards, how to customize tags and boards.
- How to access YouCoachApp Video Analysis
- What are tags, what are boards
- How to preset tags and customize boards
This step is very important to set up the software correctly and facilitate the next phase of the project you are working on.
The precondition is to have correctly set up the club data, season details and staff members on YouCoachApp.
Here are the most important aspects to consider in order to properly set up YouCoachApp Video Analysis.
- Login
- Access to your team on YouCoachApp
- If this is your first time accessing YouCoachApp, you will be asked to define your Club and a sports season within which you can manage players, training sessions and matches: you will find this data inside YouCoach Video Analysis. Create the Club: enter your club name and logo. After saving, define the details of your season (optional): once you have created the club, you can set up a season. This step is not mandatory. Specify age group, dates, training days and more.
- Now, from the left side menu, click on the Video Analysis item. From here you can create a New Tagging Project, or create a New Presentation. If you are working in multiple clubs, you will first need to select which club profile to operate in. The second menu item, Shared videos, collects the list of presentations shared by you and your staff.
Before you commit to creating a new tagging or presentation project, you need to set up tags, boards, and timeline tracks.
First, let's try to understand what tags are and what boards (button boards) are.
Tags are “custom labels” that allow you to record meaningful events from the game or training session. The tagging process is critical for tracking what happened and building an effective video analysis, but also for assigning meaningful metadata to each event. In YouCoachApp Video Analysis you can use default tags .
To speed up this process, you can create custom boards, i.e., “tag collections” based on your preferences, or use the default boards we have already created.
In the presentation phase, any action or situation that is “tagged” can be retrieved and with it all the associated data.
The strength of YouCoachApp Video Analysis lies right here. Now let's look at how to best set up the software so that it can help you optimize the tagging process.
Log in to YouCoachApp, then click on Video Analysis.
This is the YouCoachApp Video Analysis home screen. Now click on Manage Tag Types to adapt the default tag library to your specific needs.
Here you can:
- customize your tags (left section: TAG TYPES)
- create custom boards (right section: BOARDS)
- create timeline tracks (item Timeline Tracks)
In the left section of the previous image (TAG TYPES) you can edit, create, rearrange, reorder tags and categories.
- Click + Categories (on the left) to create a new tag category.
- Click on New Tag Type to create new custom tags.
- To assign the tag to the category, hold down on the tag and drag it to the category.
You can create endless categories and endless tags. Tags can belong to multiple categories.
You can also customize the tag with a number of default settings such as:
- Assign a color to the tag.
- Start/End Offset: this function will come in handy when tagging, it automatically sets how many seconds before and how many seconds after the tag should extend from the moment in time when the tag is created (said otherwise, use this feature to automatically set the start and end of the tag as the difference in seconds from the moment in the video when the tag is created).
- Presets: assigns default settings to that tag.
- For each type of tag you can decide what information to acquire, activating or not activating various tools to set, for example:
- players involved
- position of the ball/goal
- position of the assist/shot
- area of the field
- penalty kicks.
- Default timeline track: assign the default track to the desired types of tags. When a tag of this type is created, it will be associated with the set track, allowing better display of tags on the timeline.
For example, you could create a custom tag “Goals conceded in the dying minutes” and tick off:
- Ball/goal position
- Assist/shot position
- Areas of the field
- This way, during the tagging phase, whenever you enter this tag the software allows you to add this additional information.
Tailoring this information enriches your analysis with valuable details, so we suggest paying special care and attention to this last step.
For example, you can create the DEAD BALLS Category that collects 10 tags (corner against, corner in favor, direct free kick against, direct free kick in favor, etc.) that have been placed on the board named Dead Balls.
YouCoachApp Video Analysis already provides you with a set of predefined categories and tags.
Tags and categories are shared at the club level.
The BOARD section on the right groups and organizes buttons that help you speed up the tagging process for your videos.
- Click on New Board to create new custom boards (or click on the pen icon to edit them). To add tags to your board, select them and drag them. Also, to resize or reposition a tag where you like, select it and move it within the board.
In the picture above, for example, you can see a board that collects the buttons you can use to tag MATCHES.
YouCoachApp Video Analysis already provides you with default boards. All the tags in the default boards are associated with keyboard shortcuts, that is, key combinations that you can use to tag your videos very quickly.
The boards are customized for each user, not at the club level.
In the TIMELINE TRACKS section on the right, you can create timeline tracks, which are tracks that, in the video analysis phase, you will use to group similar tags together and create a synthesis with just a few clicks.
At this point, the setup is complete: you can start to tag videos.
Video analysis made simple. For every analyst and coach.
YouCoachApp Video Analysis is an innovative video analysis tool with artificial intelligence, animated graphics and automatic tracking, designed for easy and intuitive use.