MyCoach becomes YouCoachApp
MyCoach becomes YouCoachApp |

Summary |
A new logo and a new brand for the web application included in the subscription to YouCoach |
YouCoach is happy to announce the new brand for its web application.
MyCoach transfers the baton to YouCoachApp. This is the new name chosen to certify the originality and authenticity of the most complete digital tool for football coaches developed by YouCoach.
All coaches and technical staff will now be able to recognize the application in a more direct and easily distinguishable way thanks to the new logo and the new payoff: "Digital assistant for coaches" intends to underline the new role that digital tools have assumed in the daily life of every coach, in strong belief that technology can be a tool to support the methodology of each coach.
The web applications that we use every day offer the extraordinary opportunity to improve and optimize many of our activities and the way we communicate, in work as in free time; their impact, already disruptive today, will be even more pronounced in the years to come.
"YouCoachApp - Digital assistant for coaches" fully intercepts this trend, and wants to be just that: the virtual colleague, the digital assistant who works alongside each coach, simplifying the management of everyday life, inside and outside the field.

Chosen by technicians from over 30 countries worldwide, YouCoachApp is the most complete tool to better manage every detail of the football season: from the programming of objectives, to the preparation of training sessions, to the online collection of personal exercises. A digital agenda that is always available and completely customizable.
YouCoachApp is much more than a personal tool: a real digital office that allows you to connect all the technical staff on the network and allows you to assign specific tasks to each employee.
The sharing also extends to the players, who can be invited to learn about the program of the training sessions carried out and to be done, the evaluations that concern them, and much more.

YouCoachApp will continue to be a service included in the subscription to YouCoach digital services. A complete offer to be professional in every detail of the coach job and to satisfy every aspect of this passion: the study and knowledge of the game of football!