Soccer Technique
Soccer technique is considered the sum of movements, with or without the ball, that are practiced within the context of the game. It is the end result of a multitude of interconnected factors that influence its development and learning, such as athletic expression, motor-coordination, and cognitive aspects.
Soccer Technique
Analytical exercise for ball transmission sequences plus 1 v 1
Passing - Four-player passing sequences with triangulations and final 1 v 1 situation with precision shot or ball driving -
Soccer Technique
Combination of out-in-out passes - Diego Pablo Simeone
Passing - Diego Pablo Simeone's exercise: sequence of ball passing with combination of passes between several players -
Soccer Technique
Combination of diagonal passes - Diego Pablo Simeone
Passing - Exercise by Diego Pablo Simeone: sequence of passes with combinations between several players -
Soccer Technique
Unmarking, control to open and finishing
Creating space - Train offensive players on unmarking for finalization -
Soccer Technique
Thomas Tuchel's Passing Hexagon - Bayern Munich FC
Passing - Ball passing sequence with combination between multiple players -
Soccer Technique
Combination of passes at varying distances - Diego Pablo Simeone
Passing - Exercise by Diego Pablo Simeone: sequence of ball passing with combination of passes and unmarking between several players -
Soccer Technique
Passing sequences with players unmarking in space
Creating space - Practice passing and receiving by taking care of time and unmarking movements -
Soccer Technique
Duels 1 v 1 with a pass - Valencia CF
1v1 - 1 v 1 situations to train positioning, dribbling and tackling a frontal attack -
Soccer Technique
Finalization with direct shot and cross pass shot with two balls
Shooting - Three-player passing sequences with two balls