Soccer Technique
Passing sequences with players unmarking in space
Creating space - Practice passing and receiving by taking care of time and unmarking movements -
Soccer Tactics
Positional play to train ball possession and transitions
Transition - Positional play straight from Barcelona, the Catalan school creator and exporter to the world of its own idea of ball possession exercises per role -
Soccer Technique
Duels 1 v 1 with a pass - Valencia CF
1v1 - 1 v 1 situations to train positioning, dribbling and tackling a frontal attack -
Soccer Technique
Finalization with direct shot and cross pass shot with two balls
Shooting - Three-player passing sequences with two balls -
Soccer Tactics
Thematic match: compact team movements during offensive and defensive phases
Compactness - 8 v 8 thematic game with the constraint of keeping teams compact -
Soccer Tactics
Thematic game: wide attack on the goal
Width - Thematic game to attack the goal wide with cross or lofted passes -
Athletic Training
End zone with support players
Aerobic power - Increase efficiency by combining aerobic and anaerobic systems to perform at very high intensity -
Soccer Technique
Passing and switching play
Passing - Improve the quality and speed of passing, receiving and turning in short and mid-range distances using different angles -
Soccer Technique
2 v 2 + 2 progressing to 4 v 4 + 4
Passing - Improve short passing and reaction under pressure in a game context -
Soccer Technique
3 v 1
Passing - Improve short passing and reaction under pressure