Soccer Tactics
Simplified game with three teams: 5 vs 5 and 5 neutral players
Possession - Simplified game 5 vs 5 for ball possession and finishing in numerical superiority -
Soccer Tactics
2 vs 1: Pass, losing your marker and positioning
2v1 - Useful drill to train passes, losing your marker and positioning for young soccer players. -
Soccer Tactics
Double rectangle: Exit build-up zone for a 1 vs 1 inside finishing zone
1v1 Defending - Drill to train the tactical movement of building from the back followed by 1 vs 1 situation inside finishing zone -
Soccer Technique
Double square 1 v 1 + 2 v 1
1v1 - 1 v 1 + 2 v 1 situation to train dribbling, fantasy and managing numerical superiority during the offensive phase -
Athletic Training
Individual exercises for Youth Soccer Players
Coordination - Individual/small groups exercises to perform after training -
Soccer Tactics
Themed game: 3 v 3 with end zones
Running with the ball - Youth Academy game 3 v 3 with the objective of driving the ball to the end zone -
Soccer Technique
2 v 2 in a square: training dribbling and possession
Possession - Train ball possession and technical gestures (dribbling, pass and oriented control) under pressure -
Soccer Technique
Technical warm-up - Passes on the move
Passing - Technical warm-up to activate players both mentally and physically -
Soccer Tactics
Threaded pass - Exercise to train movement in depth
Finishing in the final third - Train in depth attack to finish on goal during a 3 vs 2 situation -
Soccer Technique
Circuit for technical and coordination development
Passing - A mix of exercises that is useful to combine technical improvement and coordination