Soccer Tactics
Ball possession 3 vs 2 in 4 areas
Possession - Small-sided game 3 vs 2 to train ball possession, losing the marker during possession and transitions -
Soccer Tactics
Ball possession 2 vs 2 + 2 supports
Possession - Situational 2 vs 2 with two supports with the objective to maintain ball possession as long as possible -
Soccer Tactics
Small-sided Game - 4-2-3-1 In-depth attack
Depth - Thematic match to improve in-depth attacking movements with the 4-2-3-1 formation -
Soccer Technique
1 v 1 - Shoot at mini goals
1v1 - Duel situations of 1 v 1 -
Soccer Tactics
Conditioned game 10 against 10 - Borussia Dortmund BVB
4-2-3-1 - In this exercise we train the vision of the game, ball possession and the movements without ball -
Soccer Tactics
4 vs 4 in six zones
Awareness - A situational drill to train body positioning, receiving the ball and oriented control to avoid the opponent's attack