Soccer Technique
Soccer Technique
Combination of out-in-out passes - Diego Pablo Simeone
Passing - Diego Pablo Simeone's exercise: sequence of ball passing with combination of passes between several players -
Soccer Technique
Combination of diagonal passes - Diego Pablo Simeone
Passing - Exercise by Diego Pablo Simeone: sequence of passes with combinations between several players -
Soccer Technique
Combination of passes at varying distances - Diego Pablo Simeone
Passing - Exercise by Diego Pablo Simeone: sequence of ball passing with combination of passes and unmarking between several players -
Soccer academy teaching proposal (U6 - U8)
Education - Kids' approach to soccer and to sports in general is an important and sensitive stage of their growth -
Soccer Technique
3 vs 2: midfielders' decision - Marking up in anticipation and cognitive
Intercepting - Themed game to train defenders' intervention, anticipation and interception capacities against opposing forwards -
Soccer Technique
1 vs 1 with sprint on a line
1v1 - Speed, reaction and dribbling in a 1 vs 1 situation -
Soccer Technique
Technical warm-up - Passes on the move
Passing - Technical warm-up to activate players both mentally and physically -
Soccer Technique
Circuit for technical and coordination development
Passing - A mix of exercises that is useful to combine technical improvement and coordination -
Soccer Technique
Circuit Training with shot on goal
1v1 - 1 vs 1 situation with shot on goal after a circuit (jumping and slalom running)