Receiving with oriented control - Marcelo Bielsa

- 5 markers
- 2 poles
- 4 mannequins
- Balls
- Playing Area: 50x50 meters / 55x55 yards
- Players: at least 3
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Series: 3 of 4 minutes each with 1 minute of recovery in between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Analytical drill by Marcelo Bielsa to train the forward to unmark effectively |
Creating space, Passing, Receiving, Running with the ball, Dribbling, Forward, Pass, First touch, Oriented control, Opening up oriented control, Dribbling, Losing your marker, Forward |
Use one half of the field for the exercise. On the edge of the penalty area, in the center, place three markers in a row toward the middle of the field, 5 meters/yards apart. After the last marker, about 5 meters/yards away, form a gate with two more markers. To the right and left of the gate place a pole about 10 meters/11 yards away. In the space between the edge of the penalty area and the gate arrange four mannequins (as shown in the picture). Near each post place a player (B and C in the picture). Forward A places themselves in the center of the square formed by the mannequins. Player B starts with a ball.
First unmarking movement
- Player B runs with the ball toward the gate
- B passes the ball inside the gate on the approaching movement of forward A
- A, after a goal-oriented control, drives the ball between the markers
- A passes the ball to player C
Second unmarking movement
- Player C drives the ball toward the gate
- B passes it inside the gate on the approaching movement of A, who starts near the mannequin located at the edge of the penalty area
- A, after a goal-oriented control, drives the ball between the markers
- A passes the ball to player B
Third unmarking movement
- Player B drives the ball to the gate where they perform a change of direction to drive back to the starting pole
- The forward drops to the width of the mannequin, on the opposite side of the ball carrier, to receive the pass
- A, after an oriented control toward the depth, bypasses the center marker
- A passes the ball diagonally to teammate D
- Pay attention to open body shape to favor oriented control
- Pay attention to proper timing of play
- Coordinate movement according to the play's activation code and relative unmarking movement