Positional possession 5 v 3 with 2 goals

- 4 poles
- 3 vests
- Balls
- Markers
- Playing area: 25x20 meters / 27x22 yd
- Players: 8
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 5 of 3 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery in between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Drill to improve ball possession and quick ball recovery |
Creating space, Transition, Pressing, Passing, Shielding the ball, Receiving to turn, Awareness, Visual perception, Oriented control, Losing your marker, Pass, Receiving and shielding of the ball, Possession triangles, Ball possession, Once the ball is lost - Attack the ball, Pressing, Transitions |
Arrange a pitch of 25x20 meters; on the short sides, place two small goals (of 7 meters) created with the poles. Divide players into two team, one of five players (white), the other one of three (red). Place the 5-player team using the roles of the players. This team can count on two wide players (back wingers or forward wingers), one low vertex (central midfielder or center-back), a high vertex and a center-midfielder (playmaker or 'Fake 9').
- Players in numerical superiority must keep ball possession freeing the passing lines
- The three players in red will try to intercept the ball and bring it beyond the goal-line (carrying the ball across one of the goals)
- After three goals, players in red will switch role (and vest) with three players of the white team
- Three ball touches allowed for the players in numerical superiority who must keep ball possession
- Free ball touches for red players
- When each series ends, swap three players per team
- Add one more player (as a low vertex) to play a 6 v 3
- Make the pitch bigger to transform the drill in a high intensity training session
- Give one point to the team in numerical superiority when the ball recovery is done within 5 seconds after its loss
- Give one point to the team in numerical superiority every time it makes 10 passes in a row without interception by opponents
Coaching Points
- Incite players to free as many passing lines as possible for the ball-holder, paying attention to body orientation and getting away from markers while looking for free spaces
- Teach players to attack the ball-holder through a reasoned pressing, a team-organized pressure
- Verify that the technical gesture of the pass is effective, and accomplished with high intensity
- Verify the reaction to positive and negative transitions of both teams: it has to be fast (reaction, adjustment, execution)