Combination of quick passes with final conclusion - Manchester United

- 6 mannequins (or 6 poles)
- 4 cones
- 1 goal
- Balls
- 1 marker
- Playing area: 60x50 meters / 65x55 yds
- Players: 7 + 1 goalkeeper
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Series: 3 of 4 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery in between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Build-up pattern to train close passes at speed and finishing on goal |
Creating space, Support, Switching Positions, Passing, Receiving to turn, Crossing & Finishing, 4-4-2, Oriented control, Pass, Finishing, Mobility, 4-4-2, 3-5-2, Attacking build up patterns, Crossover, Countermovement (check away), Losing your marker |
In a regulatory half, attacking toward the goal, place six mannequins outside the area as in the picture (four about 10 meters/11 yards from the area and two centrally further forward). The mannequins simulate an opposing arrangement with a 4-man line defense plus two central midfielders. Players arrange themselves as in the picture (each initially near a mannequin), except for player A who goes with the ball on the yellow starting marker a few meters/yards ahead of the halfway line. Place four cones so as to form two goals about 3 meters/yards wide between the rearmost central mannequin (opponent's central defender) and the outermost one (opponent's outside defender) on both sides (see picture). The goalkeeper defends the goal.
To the coach's signal:
- Player A passes the ball toward player B, who with a long-short movement moves away from the mannequin
- Player B returns the ball to A who has meanwhile moved to A1 (triangle)
- Player A passes the ball toward C who is moving into the deep with a central movement (cut), while B moves to B1 to support the attacking action
- Player C passes the ball toward B
- Player B executes an outward-oriented control and leads the ball to B2
- Player B executes a pass through the goal on the run of D who has moved to D1 with the right timing making an outside-in movement to attack depth
- Player D performs ball control towards the goal while the two forwards E and F cross into E1 and F1 trying not to end up offside with half-moon movements
- Player D executes a cross towards the center of the area
- Player F shoots at goal
At the end of each action, the players return to their starting point ready to begin the exercise again. The next action will take place on the opposite side with B and C reversing the tasks they just performed and with G going to serve the attackers in the box.
- The offside rule applies
- Players must receive the ball after un-marking, long-short, outside-in, half-moon movements so that they are ahead of the mannequin and not from a standstill
- The pass for the outside player (D, G) who is to make the crossing move, must be compulsorily through the cones gate
- Players rotate their starting positions in the right side (right outside with right striker), in the left side (left outside with left striker) and in the middle (the three midfielders initiating the action A, B, C rotating their starting positions). This is to diversify the tactical background
- The two attackers can finish on goal regardless of their predetermined movement or the side of the cross, thus depending on where the ball will arrive and how they attacked the space in the penalty area
- Passes between players should be executed at speed and with the right timing to avoid the intervention of opponents
- Pay particular attention to the timing of the outside insertion and the crossing movement of the attackers (movement timing)
- Emphasize to players that they are the ones who must find the timing of movement, without creating situations that are difficult to replicate
- Multiple players can be used to avoid downtime (ideally, work with 14 players, two for each position alternately)