Conditioned game 7 v 7 - Barcelona FC |

- 2 goals
- Markers
- 7 vests
- Balls
- Playing area: 60x50 yards
- Players: 16 (14 players + 2 goal keepers)
- Duration 21 minutes
- Number of series: 3 of 5 minutes each with 2 minutes of passive recovery between the series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
From Guardiola's notes : conditioned game 7v7 with (predetermined) number of compulsory passes before finalizing |
Attacking Principles, Creating space, Speed of play, Defending Principles, Passing, Shooting, Shielding the ball, Body shape, 4-2-3-1, Pass, Receiving and shielding of the ball, Finishing, Positioning, Offensive tactics: attacking, Mobility, Collective defensive tactical principles, 4-2-3-1, Ball possession, Patient build up, Losing your marker |
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