Central striker: creating space + insertions

- 2 goals
- Balls
- Markers
- 6 vests (5 red, 1 yellow)
- Playing area: 40x40 meters / 44x44 yd
- Players: 11 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 2 series of 8 minutes with 2 minutes of active recovery inbetween
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Small-sided Game to improve central striker's movements in losing the marker and midfielders placements' timing |
Creating space, Depth, Speed of play, Switching Positions, Mark, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2, Passing, Shooting, Intercepting, Forward, Center forward, Losing your marker, Pass, Finishing, Marking, Intercepting, Switching the attack, Mobility, 2 versus 1, 2 versus 2, 3 versus 2, Forward, Center forward, Insertion of a second line |
Create a field of 40x40 meters using the markers and place two goals on opposite sides. Divide the pitch into three zones: two penalty areas for 2 vs 1 situations (two defenders vs a striker) and a central zone with five midfielders (two per team plus a neutral player). The goalkeepers defend the goals.
- Players have to face several power play or outnumbered situations. The game starts from a goalkeeper
- Defenders play 2 vs 1 against the striker, trying to pass the ball to the midfielders
- The midfielders play 3 vs 2 in the central zone trying to pass the ball to the striker. The neutral player plays with the team with ball possession
- If players succeed in passing the ball to the striker, one midfielder can enter the other zone playing a 2 vs 2 trying to score
- Central striker has to try to shoot at goal
- Defenders try to anticipate the striker
- If striker and midfielder lose the ball, the midfielder has to exit the box
- If defenders regain the ball, they pass it to the midfielders and the game starts again
- Encourage the central striker to lose the marker moving to depth or encountering showing for the pass
- Advise the central striker to perform a layoff pass
- Keep the defenders focused
- Defenders have to learn to collaborate
- Consider players roles when dividing them into the zones