Ball possession with point after give and go

- Markers
- 4 poles
- 6 vests
- Balls
- Playing area: 45x20 meters
- Players: 12
- Duration: 14 minutes
- Series: 2 series of 6 minutes with 1 minute of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Conditioned game to train ball possession |
Creating space, Support, Passing, Receiving to turn, Body shape, Intercepting, Tackling, Oriented control, Pass, Positioning, Intercepting, Tackling, Mobility, Ball possession, Triangle |
Divide the playing area into 3 adjacent zones. Two 10x20 meters shooting zones (yellow in figure) and a 25x20 meters possession zone (green in the figure). On the short sides of the field form a 2 meters small goal using the poles. Arrange 5 white players vs 5 red players inside the possession zone. A white player and a red one stay near the small goal (as shown in the figure).
- Develop a ball possession with 2 ball touches allowed inside the possession zone
- After 5 consecutive passes the team can pass the ball to the player near the small goal and after the pass enter the shooting zone
- One point is achieved after a "give and go" performed from the shooting zone with the teammate behind the small goal making the ball passing across the small goal
- The defending team can enter the shooting zone to avoid the opponents to score one point
- After each point the players that performed the give and go invert their roles
- At the end of the series, the most points team wins
- Create possessing triangles to avoid the opponent player enclosing him inside the triangle
- Focus on reaction to negative transition, once lost the ball possession, the player who is closer to the ball presses the opponent while teammates get closer
- Focus on global distances between players
- Focus on the body positioning during ball reception, it must be always oriented toward the largest part of the field
- Encourage the give and go: after passing the ball to a teammate the player keeps running to the free space and then receives again the ball
- Ideal minimum unit: the ball carrier must have a minimum number of teammate to wich pass at any time (one pass forwards and one pass backwards at least)
- The player who is closer to the ball carrier must choose if moving encountering or to depth, conditioning so the teammates related movement
- Encourage players to perform the countermove to lose the marker before receiving
- Players who are close on the same line, horizontal or vertical, have to move to create diagonal game lines to keep a continuous movement and a proper arrangement