Ball Possession - 6 vs 3

- 8 cones
- Sufficient markers to outline the field
- 3 vests
- balls
- Playing area : 25x20m
- Players: 9
- Duration: 21
- Series: 3 series of 5 minutes with 2 minutes of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Conditioned game to foster ball possession, passing and losing your marker, passing, transition movements without the ball in a single exercise |
Creating space, Transition, Pressing, Passing, Receiving, Intercepting, Losing your marker, Pass, Intercepting, Mobility, Possession triangles, Ball possession, Transitions |
Create a 25x20 meters playing area using the markers. On each of the four corners place 2 cones to form a 2m wide goal. Using the coloured vests, divide players into two teams (one team of 6 for ball possession and one of 3 for ball recovery).
- Within the playing area develop a ball possession in numerical superiority for the players with the red vests
- Once the ball is recovered, the blue players must score in one of the 4 goals placed on the corners of the rectangle
- In each series switch the players in numerical inferiority
- The team in red receives one point every 8 passes
- The team in blue receives one point for every goal they score
- The blue players are allowed to score after at least 1 pass
- Vary the size of the playing area
- Limit the number of touches
- Add a fourth blue player
Coaching Points
- The red players must use the whole width of the playing area
- Encourage the 3 blue players to recover the ball keeping a high intensity of physical work
- The numerical advantage increases chances for maintaining the ball possession
- Encourage the players to react quickly after losing the ball