Ball possession 4 against 4 +3 - Barcelona FC

- Balls
- 4 markers
- 7 vests (4 yellow and 3 sky blue)
- Playing area: 35x25 meters
- Players: 11
- Duration: 10 minutes
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Guardiola's exercise for possession |
Creating space, Mark, Press, Pressing, Passing, Receiving, Intercepting, Losing your marker, Pass, Defender, Midfielder, Forward, Ball possession |
This exercise has been used from Barcellona to control the rhythm at which the ball is passed between teammates. The rhythm of the ball in the field is extremely important. During the 2007-08 season this game was one of the first exercises used for the post-vacation workout, under the watchful eye of Josep Guardiola, Tito Vilanova and Aureli Altimira.
- One of the two teams with 4 players (yellow ones) goes inside the playing area with the objective of intercepting the ball and winning possession
- The other team with 4 players (Blue ones) start the game possessing the ball, with 2 players on each side
- The neutral players (sky blue) move to the middle of the field, as shown in the picture, with one player in the center of the playing area and 2 players along the short sides
- External players (Blue) plus the other 3 neutral players must try to keep the ball without loosing it
- External players can move freely along their sides
- Inner neutral players can move freely around the whole playing area offering passing options constantly
- The defenders must try to close the game as fast as possible
When Pep Guardiola was coaching Barcelona they asked their players to do 2 series of 10 minutes each, swaping positions to make sure everybody would have the chance to play in both sides of the pitch

- In each 10 minutes session, the last 3 are dedicated to pass the ball as fast as possible, the team that has possession tries to perform 120 passes in 3 minutes
Coaching Points
- Speed and precision in passing
- Game schemes
- Movements without ball
- Train your players in closing the passing lines
- Defenders must support each other