Attacking after regaining the ball on the midfield - Transition

- 4 poles
- Markers
- 1 goal
- 7 vests
- Balls
- Playing area: 60x55 meters / 65x60 yd
- Players: 16 + 1 goalkeeper
- Duration: 24 minutes
- Series: 2 of 10 minutes with 2 minutes of passive recovery inbetween series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Attacking action after regaining the ball for fast counter attacks |
Creating space, Support, Width, Depth, Speed of play, Zonal defending, Compactness, Passing, Shooting, Midfielder, Forward, Winger, Pass, Finishing, Pass and move, Creating width and depth, Switching the attack, Improvisation, Mobility, Defensive shape, Zonal defending, Management and limitation of risk, Man on man, Solid and unit, Midfielder, Lateral midfielder, Inner midfielder, Forward, Winger, Transitions |
Form a 60x55 meters area (About 10-15 meters past the half field line). With poles create two goals (2 meters wide) along the goal line. On the opposite side there is a standard goal defended by a goalkeeper. The game is played by 9 attackers (white vests) against 7 defenders (red vests) plus the goalkeeper. White team must score on the standard goal. One of the 9 attacking players must have the ball and play as support (without moving forward too much). Also 3 defending players (A1, A2 and A3 in the picture) stay in their position in order to support. The 7 defenders try to recover the ball and take it out passing through the small goals in 5 consecutive passes at most. In the middle of the pitch place a cone (starting point).
- The game starts from the cone: player D4 pretends to lose the ball right on the midfield, with a pass towards one of the white players (A1). A transition situation from defense to attack is set. The team that attacks must place its players wide apart quickly in order to look for some depth
- D4 passes the ball to A1, faking a wrong pass that allows white players to start the attacking phase
- The red team must regroup to defend by going quickly towards the player with the ball
- A1 tries to get rid of the pressing and play with the attacking teammates towards the goal
- A1 passes the ball taking into account the best passing lanes and combinations
- Both teams perform a thematic match of ball possession (free ball touches)
- The attacking players (white vests) get 1 point if they score in the standard goal
- The defending players (red vests) get 1 point when they pass through the small goals
- After the first series swap seven defenders with seven attackers
- Allow all attacking players to participate in the action and move forward (None of the players stands still on the same position)
- Add a defender in order to create a defense of 4 and a midfielder to have a midfield with 3 players
- Change the position of ball recovery that initiates the attacking phase
- Useful exercise to train what players should do after recovering the ball
- Exercise that trains the team for breadth and depth movements during an attacking action
- Immediate breadth movement of attacking players right after recovering the ball
- Create exchanges with triangulation
- Midfielders and forwards should make use of sprints in order to unmark themselves
- Move the ball quickly towards the outside of the recovery point from the midfield
- Encourage players to face a 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 with defenders
- Encourage players to execute long passes in order to switch the orientation, in depth passes, overlapping runs and wall passes
- Ask players to play keeping their head up