5 against 2 - Ball possession with 3 teams

- Markers
- 10 vests (5 red and 5 yellow)
- Balls
- Playing area: 42x15 meters / 45x16 yd
- Players: 15
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Series: 3 series of 4 minutes with a 1 minute pause of recovery between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Small-sided game with ball possession useful to train situations of pressing and superiority |
Creating space, Speed of play, Transition, Switching play, Mark, Press, Passing, Dribbling, Receiving to turn, Intercepting, Oriented control, Losing your marker, Pass, Marking, Intercepting, Ball possession, Transitions |
Form a 42x15 meters area and divide it into 3 zones. The two external zones should be 20x15 meters each (22x16 yd), while the central one is 2x15 meters (2x16 yd) sized. Arrange 5 players with red vests against 2 players with white vests inside of one of the 20x15 areas and give a ball to the red team. On the other 20x15 meters area place 5 players with yellow vests. In the central area place 3 player with white vests.
- To the coach's signal the red team starts possessing the ball against the white team, a 5 vs 2 is developed
- The objective of the team that possesses the ball is to execute 5 consecutive passes having the ball not being intercepted by the opponents
- If the team that possesses the ball executes 5 passes, they can pass the ball to the team on the other pitch (See picture) and two players that are on the central pitch go inside the other area to try to recover the ball
- If the team without ball recovers it, the 3 teammates who are on the central zone go inside of one of the big areas to help keep the ball, while 3 players from the team that has lost it go into the central area and the other two players remain in the pitch to become defenders
- Create possession triangles, o avoid opponents
- Work on reaction to negative transition, once the player loses the ball, the closest player to the ball, presses the opponent while teammates get closer
- Work on the distances between players
- Work on body positioning during reception, it should always be facing the widest part of the field
- Encourage the give-and-go: After playing the ball to a teammate, the player continues their race to go to an empty space an receive the ball again
- Minimum ideal unity: The player that has the ball must always have available at least 2 teammates that can guarantee him a pass at any time
- The player that is closer to the one with the ball must choose what to do, approaching or moving to depth, activating consequently the relative movement of teammates
- Encourage players to perform the counter movement to lose the marker and the consequent reception of the ball
- To maintain a continuous mobility and keep the propper staggering, two close players who are on the same line either vertical or horizontal have to move, creating diagonal lines
- Adapt the field sizes according to players age and technical level