1 vs 1 shooting at two goals

- Balls
- 4 cones
- 2 goals (or 4 poles)
- Markers
- Vests
- Playing Area: 15x24 meters / 16x26 yd
- Players: at least 12 (10 + 2 goalkeepers)
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 4 of 4 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery after each series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
1 vs 1 duel with changes of direction and the choice to finish in one of two goals |
Transition, Dribbling, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, Body shape, Tackling, Speed, Reaction time, Coordination, Kinasthetic awareness, Vestibular information, Speed, Dribbling with changes in direction, Dribbling to prevent the opponent, Feints and tricks, Shooting, Goal defense, Tackling, 1 versus 1, Transitions |
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