From 1 vs 1 to 4 vs 4

- 5 vests
- Balls
- Playing area: 20x40 metres
- Players: 10 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 4 series of 4 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery inbetween
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Futsal drill focused on rapid and erratic shooting, decision-making ability and peripheral vision |
1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2, 3v3, 4v3, 4v4, Passing, Dribbling, 1v1 attacking, Receiving to turn, Body shape, Intercepting, Awareness, Peripheral vision, Oriented control, Dribbling with changes in direction, Feints and tricks, Pass, Finishing, Shooting, Goal defense, 1 versus 1, 2 versus 1, 2 versus 2, 3 versus 2, 3 versus 3, 4 versus 3, 4 versus 4 |
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