Ball possession 4 vs 2

- 4 markers
- 4 vests (2 per color)
- Balls
- Playing area: 20x20 meters / 22x22 yd
- Players: 6
- Duration: 18 minutes
- Series: 3 series of 3 repetitions each with 1 minute and 30 seconds of passive recovery inbetween series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Exercise to improve lactic acid clearing rate and various technical skills |
Creating space, Possession, Zonal defending, 4v2, Passing, Receiving to turn, Intercepting, Anaerobic power, Oriented control, Losing your marker, Pass, Intercepting, Zonal defending, 4 versus 2, Ball possession |
Form a 20x20 meters playing area using the markers. Divide players into three pairs using the vests. In the picture players from the red pair and those from the white pair move each to one of the sides of the square. Inside the field there are two players from the green pair. Place a few balls around the playing area.
- At the coach's signal, red and white players play together with the objective of maintaining the ball possession without having the green pair intercept the ball. Red and white players must stay on their side of the square
- The green pair aims to intercept the ball. When they recover the ball, they pass it as fast as possible to one of the outer players to restart the exercise
- Players with ball possession can touch it a maximum of two times
- The pair inside the square defends during one and a half minutes
- After each series change the pair inside the square
- Each time green players recover the ball they score 1 point
- If the players that have the ball succeed in performing a penetrative pass they score 1 point (Example in the picture)
- The four attacking players play each one on one side of the square and they cannot be attacked by defenders
- Keep a high pace to motivate the green pair
- Attention to precision and quick passes
- Create possession triangles, they are useful to avoid opponents
- Work on the distances between players
- Work on body positioning during the reception of the ball, it should always be facing the widest part of the field
- Players with ball possession must keep moving