Soccer Technique
Soccer technique is considered the sum of movements, with or without the ball, that are practiced within the context of the game. It is the end result of a multitude of interconnected factors that influence its development and learning, such as athletic expression, motor-coordination, and cognitive aspects.
Soccer Technique
1 vs 1 with sprint on a line
1v1 - Speed, reaction and dribbling in a 1 vs 1 situation -
Soccer Technique
Technical warm-up - Passes on the move
Passing - Technical warm-up to activate players both mentally and physically -
Soccer Technique
Circuit for technical and coordination development
Passing - A mix of exercises that is useful to combine technical improvement and coordination -
Soccer Technique
Circuit Training with shot on goal
1v1 - 1 vs 1 situation with shot on goal after a circuit (jumping and slalom running) -
Soccer Technique
Alternating passes
Passing - Technical exercise to improve passing and receiving the ball -
Soccer Technique
Receiving inside the "diamond"
Receiving to turn - Exercise that allows players to improve the technical skills of pass and oriented control -
Soccer Technique
Basic motor skills and cognitive: The spoils
Running with the ball - Cognitive drill with the ball for Youth Academies -
Soccer Technique
Exchange ball with a teammate and shoot at goal
Shooting - Useful drill to train finishing shots after a quick change of direction -
Soccer Technique
Technical activation: Pass, one-two and position change
Passing - Useful drill to train quick ball transmission between teammates -
Soccer Technique
1 vs 1 with five balls
1v1 - 1 vs 1 drill with five balls to improve reaction and speed skills with shoot at goal under opponent's pressure