Quickness and shot at goal after a pass towards the cut

- 5 cones
- 6 markers
- 4 low hurdles
- 1 goal
- Balls
- Playing area: 40x40 meters / 44x44 yds
- Players: 7 + 1 goalkeeper
- Duration: 14 minutes
- Series: 2 of 7 minutes each with 1 minute of recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Exercise to train shooting, quickness and individual technique |
Diagonal runs, Passing, Running with the ball, Acyclic speed, Coordination, Balance, Space-time differentiation, Quickness, Inside of the foot, Dribbling, Pass, Finishing, Shooting, Cut |
Arrange the materials as in the picture. Place a starting marker at the side of the goal on the end line, about 10 meters from the goal post. After the marker create a slalom course formed with the four cones that are placed about 1.5 meters apart and arranged diagonally to each other. To the left of the goal, outside the penalty area, the four low hurdles (over) should be placed about 50 centimeters from each other; after the over toward the middle of the field form the triangle from where players A, B and C start. The 3-meter equilateral triangle consists of two markers and a cone and is placed about 15 meters from the penalty area. The mini goal formed with two markers immediately after the row of cones is about 2 meters wide and at an angle to the goal. The marker from where player E starts is perpendicular to the starting marker from which player D starts and on the same horizontal line to the cone where player C is positioned. Ball to all players lined up on the side of the goal ready to slalom between the cones and ball in the hands of players A and B. The goalkeeper defends the goal.
At the coach's signal:
- Player C starts off on a sprint toward A who throws the ball to them with the hands so that C can return it with the inside of the right foot one-touch to the teammate. After the transmission C touches the cone behind them and does the same thing by moving toward B to whom they return the ball with their inside left foot. Meanwhile, player D starts off driving the ball by performing a slalom between the cones
- After the two passes C, who moved to position C1, performs a skip between the low hurdles, while D coming out of the cones in position D1 passes the ball toward player E who goes towards them
- E passes through the mini goal of markers placed diagonally for C's cut movement towards the inside of the penalty area in position C2
- C takes a shot on goal trying to score
- At the end of the action, player C retrieves the ball and positions themselves at the end of the line at the side of the goal, player D goes in place of E, player E goes in place of B, player B moves to the place of A, and player A goes in place of C (rotation of roles at the end of each action)
- Perform the next series from the opposite side
- Perform a slalom between cones at high speed and varying the type of ball control (inside foot, outside foot, etc.)
- Vary the jumps to be performed between the hurdles
- Vary the technical gestures to be performed in the initial triangle
- The player, when passing, must close the gesture after hitting the ball by accompanying the trajectory with the movement of the leg
- Take care of the technical gesture of the shot on goal by paying attention to the distance of the supporting foot from the ball, the correct impact and taking care of the timing of attacking the ball on the movement to cut towards the goal
- Each player must be focused on their role within each action
- At the end of each action rotate the starting positions quickly so as not to have too long breaks