Ball possession 4 v 4 with 4 flank play

- Markers
- Balls
- 4 little goals (or 8 poles)
- 8 vests (4 red, 4 green)
- Playing area: 25x25 meters / 27x27 yrd
- Players: 12
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 3 series of 6 minutes with 1 minute of passive recovery between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Conditioned game in a reduced field, to train ball possession with flank play |
Creating space, Support, Mark, 4v4, Passing, Intercepting, Losing your marker, Pass, Support, Marking, Intercepting, Mobility, 4 versus 4, Ball possession |
In the middle of each side of the square place a small goal. Divide the team into 3 groups of 4 players. Red and white teams start from inside the field. The four green players go alternately next to the respective goals (See picture).
- On coach's signal one team starts possessing the ball against the opposite team. A 4 v 4 situation is set
- The objective of the players from the team with ball possession is to perform 4 consecutive passes and then try to find the support of one of the 4 neutral players (Green players in the picture) to then shoot in one of the 4 goals (See picture)
- After the series players swap positions with the 4 neutral players
- At the end of the series the most goal scored team, wins
- Increase or reduce field sizes according to the player technical level
Coaching Points
- Focus on passing within the square, asking players to perform it strongly in order to orient the control at first touch
- Observe the foot supports of the player that is inside the square
- Form possession triangles, useful to avoid opponents
- Work on reaction to negative transition, once the player loses the ball, the closest player to the ball, presses the opponent while teammates get closer
- Work on the distances between players
- Work on orientation of the body during the reception, it should always be facing the widest part of the field
- Work on the give and go: After passing the ball to a teammate, player keeps running to an empty space an receives the ball again
- Minimum ideal unity: The player with the ball must always have a minimum number of teammates that can guarantee him a pass at any time (At least one pass forwards and another backwards)
- The player that is closer to the one that possesses the ball must choose what to do, approaching or moving to depth
- Encourage players to perform the counter movement for unmarking and the consequent reception of the ball
- To accomplish a continuous mobility and keep the propper staggering, two close players who are on the same line either vertical or horizontal have to move, creating diagonal lines