Ball possession 2 vs 2 + 2 supports

- 4 markers
- 4 vests
- Balls
- Playing area: 10x10 meters / 11x11 yd
- Players: 8
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 4 series of 4 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery inbetween
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Situational 2 vs 2 with two supports with the objective to maintain ball possession as long as possible |
Creating space, Mark, 2v2, Passing, Intercepting, Oriented control, Losing your marker, Pass, Marking, Intercepting, 2 versus 2, Ball possession |
Create a square of 10x10 meters using markers. Place one player per side (two red and two white in the picture). Inside the pitch place two red players against two white ones. Give a ball to one of the team.
- At the coach's signal the team with the ball starts a ball possession against the rival team. A 2 vs 2 is played inside the square
- The objective of the team is to maintain ball possession with the help of the supports of the same color (a total of four active players)
- The team that executes five consecutive passes scores 1 point
- The direct pass between supports is valid (See picture)
- At the end of each series swap positions
- Three ball touches allowed
Coaching Points
- After passing the ball players must try to find immediately an empty space to ease ball possession to the teammate
- Use two players combinations
- Defenders should cooperate during pressing
- Players should not be standing on the same line
- Players must read the intentions of the player that has the ball
- Place a lot of balls around the pitch
- Body posture is key