From ball possession to goal - Juventus FC

- 8 vests
- 24 poles or cones (12 per color)
- Markers
- Balls
- Playing area: 36x46 meters / 39x50 yd
- Players:16
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 5 of 3 minutes each with 1 minute of passive recovery in between series
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Themed game with a two-phase team duel: ball possession and finishing |
Creating space, Support, Pressing, 4v4, Passing, Receiving, Running with the ball, Intercepting, Endurance, Aerobic power, Endurance, Aerobic power, Pass, First touch, Dribbling, Dribbling at speed, Losing your marker, Intercepting, Improvisation, 4 versus 4, Possession triangles, Pressing |
Create a 36x46-meter playing area and divide it into four areas, as shown in the picture: lateral areas (A and B) are 12x46 meters and the central area is divided into two zones of 12x23 meters (C and D). In areas C and D place two teams of four players each, then place a ball in each rectangle. In areas A and B create six 1-meter goals per zone using poles or cones.
The game is divided into two phases:
- In the first phase in the areas C and D, the teams duel for ball possession trying to execute eight consecutive passes (two 4 v 4 situations)
- After eight passes, phase 2 begins: there's a sudden change and players must try to score a goal dribbling and crossing the small goals with the ball. The first team to reach eight passes chooses the area where to play phase 2 (A with yellow goals, B with red goals). The second team goes to the opposite area
- White players in zone D are performing the last three passes to reach the eight passes objective; once they accomplish it they move onto phase 2 to zone B, where the player that receives the ball scores a point crossing the goal with the ball (movement 5)
- Blue players should prevent white team to score by defending the goals and trying to recover the ball. Once the team scores a point or when the ball goes outside the playing area, the game starts back from the central area
- Players who are dueling in area C should then move to area A
- If the team without the ball, during phase 2, recovers the ball they can try to score a point
- After 8 consecutive passes, players gain a point and can move to phase 2
- Each goal during phase 2 is worth one point
- At the end of the series the winning team will be the one that scores the most points
- At the end of each series swap teams' positions
- Man marking in phase 2
- In phase 2 teams can score a goal by passing the ball to the teammate through the poles
- This drill trains speed resistance and aerobic power; players should keep intensity high
- Increase or decrease intensity by modifying the number of goals
- During phase 1 players should be standing still only if it is due to a tactical choice
- To obtain continuous mobility and keep players in the right positions, two close players who are on the same line must move in order to create diagonal passing lanes
- Team cooperation is important