1 v 1 with cognitive elements and finishing

- 1 cone
- 3 markers (1 per color)
- 1 goal
- 2 mini goals (or 4 cones)
- Balls
- Jerseys
- Playing area: 25x25 meters / 27x27 yards
- Players: 10 + goalkeeper
- Duration: 14 minutes
- Series: 1 of 12 minutes followed by 2 minutes of passive recovery
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Cognitive drill to train mental focus and speed with a 1 v 1 situation for finishing |
Shooting, 1v1 attacking, 1v1 Defending, Body shape, Tackling, Acyclic speed, Agility, Perception, Quickness, Cognitive, Running with a change in direction, Front dribbling, Finishing, Goal defense, Tackling, 1 versus 1 |
Place the 3 markers of different colors (yellow, blue and red in the picture), forming an equilateral triangle (each side of the triangle 5 meters/yards long). At about 20 meters/22 yards, perpendicular to the triangle, place the goal where to conclude. On either side of the goal, at a distance of 10 meters/11 yards from it to the right and left, in a diagonal position place two 1.5-meter/yard wide mini goals. Place the starting cone 5 meters/yards from the triangle (as in the picture). Identify the three goals with "A", "B" and "C". Divide the players into two equal numbered groups (red team and white team in the example). One group starts near the starting cone, while the other group stands behind the goal. A goalkeeper defends the goal. The coach is positioned at the side of the triangle with a good supply of balls.
- The drill begins with the coach giving a sequence of colors and a letter. The color sequence indicates, to the first player in the row, in what progressive order to touch the markers that make up the triangle, and the letter indicates which goal to attack
- As soon as the coach's directions are over, the first two players start one per row (one white and one red in the picture)
- On leaving the triangle of markers, the player (attacker) receives the ball from the coach and must face the opponent (defender) in one-on-one duel towards the goal indicated by the coach
- When the action is over, the two players reverse roles
- The coach gives the combination "YELLOW, BLUE, RED and A"
- The player (red) sprints in the direction of the markers respecting the given sequence
- Having received the ball from the coach, the player attacks the mini goal A in a 1 v 1 with the opponent (white defender) coming from behind the goal
- When the action is over, the two players reverse their starting positions
- The marker sequence is performed running with the ball; no longer will the coach pass on the ball, but it will be the players who start from the starting cone with the ball
- With this drill we are able to boost concentration and attention (fast processing and adaptation)
- If done at a fast pace and without breaks within the series, the drill is very useful at physical level
- Training to be proposed several times within the season
- Strikers:
- In 1 v 1 you must receive the ball in an advantageous position, orienting yourself toward the goal to attack
- Run with the ball at speed with resourcefulness, imagination and dribbling to overcome the opponent
- Identify the weak side of the opponent
- Do not give certainty to the defender by trying to execute feints, without delaying the action too much
- Defenders:
- Stand between the opponent, the ball, and the center of the goal
- Forcefully bring the opponent to the outer areas of the field
- Identify the opponent's weak foot
- Delay the ball carrier's action by assuming a correct position
- Choose well the time to recover the ball