Ball possession with passback to the goalkeeper

- 8 markers
- Balls
- Playing area: 30x20 meters
- Players: 8 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Exercise about possession with the objective of passing to goalkeeper, who defends their area learning to participate actively in the game with teammates |
Creating space, Possession, Transition, Playing out from the back, Pressing, Passing, Receiving, Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, Goalkeeper skills, Coordination skills, Pass, Ball possession |
Create a 30x20 meters field using the markers. Create with the markers 2 side zones (one for each side) of about 5 meters for the goalkeepers. Playe 4 vs 4 in the field with goalkeepers defending the goals.
- The aim of the game is to make 6 consecutive passes including atleast 2 passes to the goalkeeper.
- The passes to goalkeepers are excluded from the 6 passes, therefore a minimum of 8 passes before you can try to score.
- The goalkeeper inside his zone can't be pressed or disturbed, he's free to start the action
- After the sixth pass, the team gets one point if the goalkeeper makes a long pass and the ball lands in the opponent goalkeeper's zone without touching the ground.
- The goalkeeper can be pressed but the passes to goalkeepers are included in the 6 passes to get the point
- After 4 consecutive passes excluding one to goalkeeper (obligatory), the teams have to shoot at the opponents goal. Only one player can enter the goalkeeper zone to shoot at goal or play 1 vs 1 with the goalkeeper
Coaching Points
- Involve players and goalkeepers together to train the whole team, with short rests
- The goalkeepers have to perform the exercise with intensity to be trained also physically
- Priority to goalkeeper