Attacking combinations for the 4-3-3 formation

Attacking schemes and combinations to create a common philosophy
Every coach has the objective of occupy the field in an logical way creating organized and efficient actions, getting the players used to read situations and resolve them in a common way.
Soccer is becoming increasingly organized and fast, that’s why the coach has to instill simple and efficient solutions exploiting players best features.
Tactic must be studied and analyzed in detail by coaches that have the difficult task of lead the team, create a philosophy and give a common direction to players that often have different courses.
This playbook proposes a series of collective solutions for 4-3-3 scheme, a collection of attacking schemes and combinations of one of the most known and used scheme in all soccer classes. Every scheme has a data sheet to allow the reader to understand clearly the argument, develope it and propose during training sessions.

These proposals are the result of the study and cataloguing of a large number of notes passed on by Sergio Buso after his death. This huge archive represents the memory of the evolution of football in the past thirty years. Study, research, passion, respect for the subject and care for detail have made Sergio Buso one of the best experts on football of recent times. With a view to pay tribute to his studies, the staff of YouCoach has decided together with his family to publish a series of writings drawn from his notes, with the hopes of fostering reflection and study to improve the knowledge and culture of this sport.
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