YouCoachApp's 7 most useful features for Athletic Trainers
YouCoachApp's 7 most useful features for Athletic Trainers |

Summary |
Let's find out YouCoachApp's most interesting features for Athletic Trainers |
Every work team, even in a soccer club, needs to share a working method and pool information.
In a previous article we have seen how to give your staff members access to your work on the app. That is exactly one of YouCoachApp's strenghts: creating a network among assistant coach, athletic trainer, managers and other staff members, making available online features and useful infos to your collaborators.
In this article we examine in depth which are the app's most useful features for athletic trainers and motor trainers, professionals that are essential to decide, coordinate and supervise all club's teams' athletic program.
In order to let the Athletic Trainer use these features, remember to check the permissions shown in the picture below: to modify them go to Settings and click on "Staff Members".
In order to let the Athletic Trainer use these features, remember to check the permissions shown in the picture below: to modify them go to Settings and click on "Staff Members".

In the planning stage of a new season, athletic trainers can establish which goals should be focused on and how to spread them across the months.
In order to delegate this activity to the trainer, the coach (or the owner of the account) must give them permission to edit season cycles (“Settings” - “Staff Members” - “Edit Season Cycles”).
If a trainer wants to choose season goals, they need to go to "Settings", then click on the menu item "Cycles" and then "Edit Cycles". Objectives can be chosen for each micro and macro cycle. The goals' grid let you choose among:
- gross motor skills: hang, catch, hold, balance, climb, vertical jump, roll over, orientate, push, throw, hit, run, crawl...
- coordination skills: general coordination capacities, special coordination capacities, ability to pace, body stability, joint mobility, proprioceptivity...
- soccer conditioning: stamina, strenght, quickness, speed and so on.
Each staff member can create their own custom drills from the menu item “Custom Drills”, clicking on “Create New Drill”.
Even the athletic trainer can save drills and create their digital database, customized on their own needs. Among all customizable details that YouCoachApp offers, we highlight what follows:
- draw your drill with our drill plan designer or upload a picture from your device;
- choose drills' objectives from gross motor skills, coordination skills, soccer conditioning;
- associate tags to drills to easily retrieve those exercises from the database (“core stability”, “test”, or other keywords your athletic trainer can use to quickly identify some drills);
- edit the number of players, duration and difficulty of an exercise;
- choose the age group.
Drills are personal, except for those that have been shared checking the box “Who can use this drill” at the page bottom.
If you clicked on “All staff members of teams I'm collaborating with”, your coworkers can use that drill to prepare a training session.
In this article we explained how to share drills on YouCoachApp.

If you are an athletic trainer, technical staff relies on you for a specific phase of the workout that you have to manage. With younger age groups, this phase could be focused on coordination skills; in youth soccer and with adults, it can be centered on soccer conditioning.
Regardless of this, an Athletic Trainer can customize a specific phase of the training session from the menu item “Settings” in YouCoachApp, clicking on “Season Details”: at the foot of the page, one can add a phase to the workout giving it a specific name (e.g. Motor Activation) and a time duration.
Once the phase has been saved, it will be shown on the training session creation screen.
To customize phases, be sure that the account manager gave you permission to edit season settings (“Settings” - “Staff Members” - “Edit season settings”).

If you were asked to manage a whole training session or if you plan on doing a specific workout for a few players during the training session, you can use YouCoachApp to organise your drills.
Click on the item "Training Sessions" and create a "New Session".
If the coach has planned some specific activities for injured players, they can add a specific "track" using the "Injured Track", which allows them to create a session only for these players.
"Goalkeeper Track" and "Injured Track" can be found on the New Session creation page; this feature is useful when you need to organise a training session for a very specific group of players.
"Goalkeeper Track" and "Injured Track" can be found on the New Session creation page; this feature is useful when you need to organise a training session for a very specific group of players.
To set injured/goalkeeper track:
- Click on Training Sessions
- Click on New Session
- Click on Track - Add Track
- Choose the drills and add them to the track
Tracks are available even as PDF so you can print them.
To print a track:
- Click on View Training
- Click on Save as PDF
- Print your training session
As regards drills choice, YouCoachApp database collects many athletic training exercises and specific packages of drills dedicated to physical training.
If you are looking for tips on how to speed up the creation of a training session, check out these articles:
- Create your training session in less than 5 minutes
- 6 features you need to know when creating a training session with YouCoachApp
In order to use these features, please be sure the coach (or the team manager) gave you permission to create and edit training sessions ("Settings" - "Staff Members" - "Create/Modify Training Sessions").

In addition to technical-tactical evaluation forms created by the coach, the athletic trainer can prepare evaluation forms about the athletic performance, customizing title, sections for specific aspects, evaluation criteria and type of answers.
- To create an evaluation form, click on the menu item “Settings” and then “Evaluation Form Templates”;
- To add, edit or see evaluations, click on each player profile. In this article we explained all digital evaluations on YouCoachApp.
In order to use these features, the account manager must have given you the following permissions: "Create evaluations" and "Remove evaluations".

Besides evaluation forms, athletic trainers may find the following features useful:
- pre-post match/training session customizable questionnaires - to edit questionnaires, go to "Settings" - "Questionnaires" - "Edit";
- see players' answers to the questionnaires: to read them go to the page dedicated to the specific match or training session.
From players' answers one can make a number of interesting observations on workouts' schedule and drills.
In order to access to these features, the coach (or the team manager) must give the athletic trainer the following permission: “Settings” - “Staff Members” - “Edit season settings”.
When choosing the best training sessions schedule and the most suitable athletic drills for that time of the season and the team's level of performance, having the opportunity to access an accurate database can be very useful even for the athletic trainer.
- “Dashboard” - “Training Statistics”
- “Dashboard” - “Matches Statistics”
- “Dashboard” - “Players Statistics”
These are three features an athletic trainer can refer to on YouCoachApp; they allow to highlight all aggregated information about training sessions, matches and single players that wouldn't be available without a digital tool. On the other hand, these features give objectivity to information that could have been misinterpreted without a digital mediator.

Dedicated in particular to all athletic trainers, TrainingLoad Monitoring is YouCoachApp extension that helps to manage the team's and single players' training loads.
For all the details about this added feature and to learn how many possibilities TLM offers to athletic trainers, click here.