Training session settings
Training session settings |

TRAINING SESSION SETTINGS configurable options
Apart from planning the season, YouCoachApp, the online app for soccer coaches, allows you to order and schematize each workout. This setting allows you to reduce downtimes and increase efficiency.
From a practical and bio-physiological point of view the training session is composed by 3 phases:
- Initial phase: Beyond the physiological objectives like the increase in blood flow that takes the oxygen to the muscles and decreases the possibility of muscle injuries, this phase prepares players mentally to face the objectives that will be proposed to them during the training session;
- Central phase: The workload increases and the team works on different goals in order to reach the objectives of the workout;
- Final phase: Through various games like thematic or conditioned games, the objective pursued during the whole week can be verified.
As default data the program proposes 5 phases:
- Activation (Initial phase)
- Game (Central phase)
- Analytics/Corrective game (Central phase)
- Situation (Central phase)
- Final (Final phase)
The proposed sequence is only a guideline that aims to work as a reference to organize the main goals that are going to be used during the training session: Initial and final phase are preset (At the beggining and at the end of the workout) while the central phase can be arranged as you wish.

Details of the proposed phases:
- Activation: During the activation phase we suggest to use exercises that involve athletes individually or in groups and that include well defined objectives without an opponent, for example exercises on technical principles (Touches, passes in pairs, ball controls, feints, changes in direction), coordination, technical motor control and psychokinetics.
- Game: During the game phase you can use simplified, conditioned and thematic drills to underline and strengthen a certain behaviour through the conditioning of the dimensions of the pitch or the rules.
- Analytics: In this phase we suggest to train a particular technical skill with exercises based on individual technique, e.g. transmission, reception, ball driving, header and throw in. We also add to this list the group of exercises based on change in direction or ball coverage, which allow to develop ball control and the relation between the athlete and the ball
- Situational: During the situational phase we suggest to choose situational, simplified and psychokinetic drills. With these exercises the objective has to be reached by overcoming the opposition of the rival. Some examples of situational exercises are 1v1, 2v1, 3v1 and 3v2. Psychokinetic exercises must include a relation with the ball where the behaviour of the player is linked to a certain visual or acoustic stimulus.
- Final: In the final phase, beyond the free play we suggest to use thematic games and conditioned games to propose again the objectives that were being pursued during the workout, with the possibility of assessing the improvements obtained in previous phases.