How to buy an eBook
How to buy an eBook |

Buying an eBook on our website is simple and fast: follow this quick guide to expand your library of ideas and exercises proposed by our coaches and trainers:
1 - Select the tab eBooks on the homepage menu of
2 - Choose the eBook that you want to buy and click on Add to cart
3 - Your eBook has been added to your cart, you can choose if you want to continue shopping and go back to the point 2 of the guide or move on clicking on Go to checkout
4 - Verify the products that you just chose and the total of your cart, then proceed with the payment by clicking on Checkout
5 - If you own a discount coupon, use the space to add the code and then click on Add coupon. Fill in the form with your data for a proper billing and then click on Continue to next step
6 - Verify the data and choose the payment method that you want to use (Choose between bank transfer and PayPal). Proceed clicking on CONTINUE WITH THE PURCHASE
Bank transfer option:
• Make the bank transfer to the mentioned bank details. You can access your product as soon as the operation is verified
PayPal option:
• You will be redirected to the PayPal website where you can pay in a fast and safe way. You can access your product as soon as the payment is made. PayPal allows you to pay with CREDIT CARD too (For more information about Paypal click here)
Credit card option:
• To buy with the payment method of credit card just choose PayPal and continue with the purchase. Once in the PayPal registry web page click on "Don't have a PayPal account? A form is displayed to add the credit card data and proceed with the payment
Click on "Create a PayPal account"

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