How to share technical proposals: Create an effective methodology
How to share technical proposals: Create an effective methodology |

Summary |
It's easy with YouCoachApp! Share your technical ideas and discuss them with your collaborators to create a unique shared methodology |
Sharing ideas and technical proposals is the foundation for a good confrontation between workmates of the same Soccer Club and this process usually involves the technical manager. The role of a technical manager is to establish a methodology and provide training sessions' guidelines; they also monitor how the technical agenda is implemented, suggesting corrections and adaptations while coordinating training activities for coaches. All these actions that contribute to the creation of a shared methodology are linked to work sharing with staff members; thanks to its offer designed specifically for Clubs, it becomes easier with YouCoachApp!
- Create an incubator to collect technical proposals
- Training Sessions Lab: how to propose, review and approve practices
- Drills Lab: how to propose, review and approve exercises
- How to file and use approved drills and training sessions
A virtual office for your staff
YouCoach's staff took care of all those Clubs that need to share technical proposals and drills. From a case study analysis and with the help of some professional technical managers, we created a Club-specific offer which includes YouCoachApp's Incubator for Clubs. But what is it?
- The Incubator is a virtual room that staff members can use to propose, discuss and approve drills and training sessions
- It can be used by coaches to propose anything to the technical manager
- It can be used by the technical manager to evaluate and approve staff members' proposals
- It allows to share approved drills and practices with all Club's teams.
The incubator collects all technical proposals made by the coaches of a Club
Activating the Incubator feature means:
- You can customize basic settings;
- You can give access to the Incubator to other staff members.
The technical manager can create and customize the Club's Incubator
The technical manager can invite collaborators and decide which actions they are allowed to do
Here's how to create a "virtual office" in which to share work with the staff and where to start building a methodology. Let's examine in detail the evaluation of those technical proposals that will expand the Club's database.
Promote your staff members' best ideas and drills
Thanks to the Incubator feature, all coaches that have access to it can create and propose their personal soccer practices: these proposals enter a review and approval process that allows technical managers to decide which ones comply more closely with the Club guidelines.
- The phases of this process are:
- Training session draft: in this phase the training session has been created by the coach and is visible only to them (neither the manager nor other staff members can see it)
- Training session submitted: this phase starts the review process, now the technical manager can see the training session
- Training session in review: the technical manager examines the proposal and suggests possible changes
- Training session approved: the training session has been approved by the technical manager, who can decide to share it with other teams. Once approved, a training session is available in the Training Sessions list in the Incubator
The review process of the Incubator allows you to share work easily and effectively. Using notes it is possible to discuss the proposal and suggest changes
Each training session can be sent to the Club's teams and commented to promote adaptations and changes
Through this process technical managers can evaluate coaches' training proposals, promoting the most interesting ones and sharing them with other teams. Let's see how this process works with drills.
Bring out the best ideas and drills created by your staff
The Incubator contains not only training sessions, but also every individual drill created by the Club's coaches and approved by the technical manager: it's a shared database of great value! Every coach who participates to the Incubator can propose their drills. In order to do it, they should click on the tab "Custom Drills", then "Show My Custom Drills" and click on the drill: to submit it to the technical manager, click on "Edit" and then, at the bottom of the page, click on "Propose to the Incubator" (as shown below).
Each coach can submit their drills to the Incubator and they will undergo the Club's review process
This is the first step that starts the evaluation process: Once the drill has been submitted, it becomes available under "Drills Lab" and can be evaluated and then approved.
Using notes, the technical manager can suggest changes and the coach can read these comments. Then, if the drill is approved, all the Club's teams will be able to use it.
Coaches and managers can comment drills to discuss the most suitable methodological choices
Through these two processes, drills and training sessions can be discussed by the technical staff, approved as they comply with the guidelines and stored in the Club's database thanks to the Incubator, the virtual office available on YouCoachApp.
Create the Club's database of technical drills and consolidate your methodology
Drills that your staff has created are stored online, becoming the “technical heritage” of the Club. In addition, approved drills will be available for all the teams and their coaches when creating a new training session (we already talked about how to create a new training session on YouCoachApp).
A shared database that includes all drills created inside the Club
Secure the most effective training sessions
Training sessions created by your staff and approved are stored online and are always available for all the teams with which they have been shared.
All training sessions of your Club at your fingertips!
Now that we've seen how to collaborate with other coaches and staff members, let's move on to players. In this article we examine how you can contact your players and share with them soccer practices, drills and events. All your players data is always available for you to simplify your work with the team.
SHARING YOUR WORK WITH THE STAFF... IT'S EASY WITH YOUCOACHAPP! -- The Incubator is an additional feature of YouCoachApp: click here and contact us for a custom quote --
YouCoachApp is an innovative web application created to plan, set up and monitor the whole soccer season, an ideal tool for soccer coaches and Clubs, both professional and amateur.
It's available both as Web App and Mobile App.
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